Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time for an update...

Hello hello.

Here's my update since my video post where I promised more blogging and then didn't deliver. Sorry about that.
  • I have done tons more homework since my last post...I have tons more.
  • Ate Easter dinner with John after I picked him up from the airport. We had Easter tacos.

  • Watched a very scary movie that invaded my dreams for a night. I warned John it would. He felt bad.
  • Had my two year anniversary from losing weight.
  • Was called a Nerd and told to shut up by a student. It was pleasant.
  • Spent another weekend without the hubby. He went to spend a bachelor weekend with his brother who is getting married this weekend.
  • Went to get an oil change today and was duped into spending $106 for "necessary maintenance".
  • Will be going to John's brother's wedding this weekend. It should be a fun time.
  • I just deleted one of my bullets and added this one. When I read John my post he said I crossed the TMI line. I agreed. If you happened to have read my blog within five minutes after my original posting then I apologize. I hope I didn't shock you.

Hope you're doing fabulously.


Katie said...

omg! his swimmers!! hahaha

and congrats on your anniversary! You are still lookin good! :)

Natalie said...

I'm so curious now. I want to know what you wrote. I called you tonight. 1+ week with no update was too much for me. Call me sometime so we can catch up.

Way to go on the 2 year anniversary. I still remember seeing you at Amy and Josh's game night and thinking you were looking really skinny. Can't believe that was 2 years ago!

The GVZs said...

I demand to know what the TMI thing was!

DreamTNM said...

Happy weight loss anniversary! :)

Umm now I want to know too, what the TMI bullet was! LOL