Friday, January 1, 2010

And the beat goes on...

I'm so excited to be saying hello to another year. I've said hello to many before this one and hope to be saying it to many more.

I think as I get older life just keeps on getting better. I'm pretty lucky in mine. I always hope for everyone to have the same kind of happiness. I get really happy for people who are living joyful lives and really sad when they're not.

Everyone deserves joy. Everyone also deserves to have someone in their life who will make them feel like everything will be okay even when things are really crappy.

Happy New Year Everybody. I'm looking forward to another year of sharing our adventures together. Thanks for making blogging so fun.


Emily said...

Happy New Year to you! Hope it is fabulous!

Katie said...

Happy New Year! I hope it brings you fun times!

Natalie said...

I'm looking forward to reading all of your blogs in 2010!