During spring break I was walking around Target and my sister called me because I had called her earlier (45 min. earlier). She told me she was sorry she couldn't answer when I called her. I said,"I called you?" About five minutes into our conversation I said,"Oh yeah. I remember calling you now."
I was talking to my sister on my cell phone yesterday and I was thinking,"Where's my cell phone?"
Every time I buy us tooth paste I get a new kind because I never remember what we were using before.
I blogged awhile back about how if I am getting something for John and me to eat or drink his always goes on the right...that's so I remember which is which.
I bet at least half the time I walk around with two coats of Lady Speedstick on me. Most mornings I ask myself,"Did I put on deodorant?" So instead of accepting that I most likely already did, I go ahead and re-coat.
There's actually a lot more but I seriously can't remember them right now. Yikes.

This picture was taken almost a year ago but it looks like I'm thinking so I thought it would be a good picture for this post. My brother is right...I do have a very large head.
That made me laugh. It must be a "thirties" thing! I do the same things myself! Getting old is painful... very, very painful!
My belief is if you can't remember putting on deodorant - it is ALWAYS best to reapply - no one wants to walk around stinky!
I'm always looking for my sunglasses and I find them on my head. Not my face, that would be really bad, but on the top of my head.
You thirty-somethings talking about getting old makes me laugh.P.S.
Mare, your head is not too big.
I laughed several times while reading this. For all the readers out there, I can attest to all of these things. Their not just made up for the laughs. I swear, her purse and keys are never in the same spot twice. I'm just waiting for the time when I open the oven after pre-heating it and her purse is in there.
I just ran into this post after I googled 'memory loss in thirties', and I have been doing goofy things as of late too, and your post made me feel so much better! LOL. Here's to hanging onto our sanity as we age. (P.S. I loved your moms' comment too, spoken like a true mommy!)
oh my gosh, i am glad to hear i am not the only thirty-something with this problem!!! i have seriously been thinking about getting a brain scan because i am forgetting so frequently!! I'll be in the shower and i can't remember if i shampooed my hair yet or not...i'm sure there have been times where i probably shampooed 3 times in the same shower because i forget 5 minutes later!! yikes. Anyway, thanks for sharing...
Great post. Dropdeaddusty: I googled memory loss in thirties too, I'm 34 and just can't rely on my memory anymore. It makes me feel inadequate.
The shampoo comment- absolutely happens to me!!!
Thanks for the giggle
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