I enjoy being a girl most of the time but there's days like today when I would prefer not to have a uterus. I should probably be careful what I wish for.
I have my appointment for my hysteroscopy today. I would rather be strapped to a chair and forced to watch every episode of "How It's Made".
I hate female type doctor visits... I leave the appointment in the worst mood ever!
I'm sorry you have to have an icky medical procedure done. Hopefully the positive outcome will make it worthwile.
Are you implying that you don't like the show How it's Made? I take offense at that! I love that show. Especially anything being made by the masses on a conveyor belt.
Oh bummer.... I hope all goes well at your appointment.
Yikes. That procedure even sounds scary. I hope it is over by now and the results are what you want. Thinking about you.
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