Hibernating until August is sounding pretty good right now.

Ditsy moment: While we were eating breakfast and watching the news this morning, they were showing a field reporter with this in the background...

It was at a distance but you could still see it pretty well. I looked up and said,"Hey, she's in Vegas!" John laughed and said,"Uh, she's in Egypt." I'd like to say that John was wrong and she actually was in Vegas but no...she was in Cairo, Egypt.

I always tell my husband how awesome I think it would be if we could hibernate with the bears! I could sure use a long snooze!
hahahaha who doesn't love a nice brain fart every once in a while?
LOL, that is too funny! Love the vegas comment ;)
Hey- I love the new layout and look of the blog.
Coming back from vacation is always yucky. At least you have HAWAII to look forward to. Did I mention I'm jealous?
Hey I didnt know that Eygpt had Casinos!!
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