My mom aka Grammy has seen her a lot more than I have so Eliza warmed up to her pretty quickly. Here she is in the kitchen getting some Grammy love...
Soon after my sister, Stephen and Eliza got there, my brother and his family arrived. Here's my mom and Dick with two of AJ's kids, Nicole and Joey.
At the beginning of the bambinos being at my mom's house, the little ones weren't too keen on me holding them. Right after this picture was taken Eliza wiggled her way off of my lap...
John then took a picture of me with a baby who didn't mind being held...
Mom and Dick were geniuses for getting this swing installed. All of the kiddos LOVED it...
Here's AJ with Joey. They have two very different expressions on their faces...
Natalie (NatNat) and Adriana. Natalie is bilingual. You speak to her in English and she responds in Spanish. Her favorite word is "Si."
Not in the face Nicole...
We saved opening presents for Saturday but Friday night we showed Mom a video we made for her. You know the kind, pictures from her life with sentimental quotes interspersed...that was all there. We also put three jibjab videos in it. This was how Mom's video ended...
After the video was over Nicole says to me,"I had big chichi's." I was a little shocked. Apparently she knows about "big chichi's" because she then told me,"My other grandma has REALLY BIG chichi's."

hahahaha love the chichi's comment
That reminds me of when I was evaluating Lorenzo my first year at Frank and asked him "what do babies drink out of". The correct answer, according to the test, is "a bottle". He said "titties" and, since I'm pro breast feeding, I gave him credit.
Is there going to be a Texas 4 or is this it?
Great pictures.We loved it.
mom and Dick
There will be one last part...that's for tomorrow...or later today.
I just saw your comment on my blog re: the blog link I sent you.
I know! How about you come down from the outer atmosphere and rejoin planet earth. I almost threw up with I read it.
The Chichi story actually gets better.. Nicole upon her reuniting with her Abuela, promptly informed her that at Grammys she had Chichis almost as big as hers! And did Nat Nat concure... Si!!!
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