Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sorry to be such a tease in my earlier post. If I tell you the news I'll embarrass my hubby so I can't say.

John and I are writing this post together to tell you what the big news isn't:
  • John did not die in the emergency room only to meet Gandhi in the afterlife and receive the following instruction as to the meaning of life..."Go get some cheesecake."
  • John did not get a call from President Obama requesting that he join his cabinet in the newly appointed position of White House House Band...
  • We didn't win a Hawaiian vacation for two...
  • We did not find a treasure map leading us to a remote part of the jungle in the interior of Brazil in a cave where lives a troll like demon who we had to slay with a golden spork to get to another clue which lead us across the Atlantic to a village in Portugal where we met a blind woman who took out her glass eye and showed us an inscription on the back which read,"Eat more cheesecake."
  • Just so there's no confusion because of the vagary in my previous post, we are definitely not with child...we promise.


The GVZs said...

John is the next pregnant man???? Awesome.

Katie said...

I'm really pulling for the troll option

Natalie said...

I think that John got either a raise or a promotion. My dad got a big raise when I was in, like, 6th or 7th grade and we went to Red Lobster to celebrate. We NEVER went out to eat so it was a big big deal.