Nice title huh? I thought so. I've been sitting here trying to think of a good title to address this topic and I came up with nada. I decided to let you know what you're getting into instead of coming up with a cute name for it. So, the story...
Two weeks ago I went to the doctor because things just weren't right. I was told I have a 6 inch ovarian cyst. Nice. The technician saw it on the screen and told me about it as if she was telling me that she was going to have pork chops for dinner.
In the same casual manner she told me not to bounce or twist because I could cause ovarian torsion and have to have emergency surgery. What?
So until May 7 (my next appointment) the only exercise I'm allowed to do is fast walking. Boring, but I'm doing it. Darn cyst. It's caused...
5 pound weight gain...
extremely long time of the month...(sorry, it's true though)
shift in exercise plan...
stomach protrusion...
the question,"Are we expecting?" Someone asked me that yesterday. I hope that's not a common thought when people see me.
I hope it goes away by May or at least gets smaller. I miss bouncing and twisting.
My Essential Christmas Dessert Is Flan
18 hours ago
:( I'm so sorry! You will be in my thoughts and you will bounce and twist soon enough, maybe John can even get you a trampoline to celebrate with when it is gone!
I had my share of Ovarian cysts. Many, many years ago before I had April. In fact... that was the reason why I couldn't get pregnant! Blocking the good old tubes! Good luck!
A six inch cyst? That's crazy! What are you going to name the cyst? I suggest Lester or Harold. Please be careful and take good care of yourself. If you want, I can send you a bell to ring when you want John to get up and get you stuff.
Wow, six inches? My thoughts are with you! Take it easy, and hey, at least it's a good excuse not to work out. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours is great!
Ouuuu I had one of those and they are not fun!! Of course, I found out I had it AFTER it erupted of course....
Take care of yourself hun! And if all you can do is walk, then walk. Thinking of you and thanks for the sweet comment before! :)
Thanks for all of the nice comments you're all awesome.
GVZ, I think I'll go with Lester.
Oh my gosh! That is incredible. Not to compare you to a dog or anything, but my beloved basset hound Bunny had a cyst the size of a soccer ball in her chest cavity. Inside the cyst was a tumor. The vet said the only reason the tumor didn't spread and kill her was because the cyst contained it. So maybe your cyst will end up being lucky. How's that for putting a crazy spin on things? Hope you are feeling better and bouncing soon.
I like the name Lester, I just hope he leaves town soon.Check out (this is about your mortage ,not Lester.
Bob and I love you and do not want you to have an ovarian cyst. That being said, we do not want you to have a cyst anywhere. We are calling you for a private conversation to tell you that you are a funny and dear niece. That much is not a private thought at all! Well, now, we have blogged you. You brought us to the point of participating in our first blog! You are a powerful woman--we already knew that. xxoo
You got nothin to worry about.. I told Nicole about your coco and she says shes willing to" kick it in the butt" for you !! We love you and know your gonna be fine.. AJT
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